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General Information

Testing Labs 
   There are numerous professional water testing labs in the country.  Look in your local phone book under "water testing."  If none is listed locally, check your nearest metropolitan phone book, or do a search online.  Labs can test for anything you want to know about, and the list of things to test for is immense.  If you do not specifically request certain items to be tested for, most labs offer a package of the most commonly requested water conditions, and have set fees for items tested.  Usually the results will be mailed to you when completed.

Whidbey Water
For information on water testing on Whidbey Island, read the information at the end of this page.


Free Water Testing & Information Request Form

Ozone Pure Water has the ability to test your water for system compatibility as well as contaminate analysis. You can be sure that the equipment designed for your application will work as promised through consideration of the following possible contaminants:

  • Iron/Iron Bacteria
  • pH
  • Tannic Acids
  • Hardness
  • Colloidal particles (cloudy water)
  • Sulfur (must be tested on site)

How Do I Get My Water Tested?

1. Send us a 16 oz. raw (prior to existing treatment) water sample. Let the water run for 5-10 minutes. Over-fill the bottle then cap it with no air space.
2. Complete the information form below and send it with your sample or via email.
*** The test is FREE.

Upon completion of the Compatibility Test there will be no doubt as to the success of your job.

GPM Recovery Test

Tools needed: (a) Accurate psi gauge. (b) 5 gal bucket. (c) Watch.

1) Make sure water system is at full pressure (psi).

2) Make sure no water is being used during the test.

3) Turn off well pump.

4) Drain water into bucket until there is no more pressure.

· How many gallons did you drain?

5) Close drain valve.

6) Turn on pump and time in seconds until the pump turns off.

· How many seconds did the pump run?

* Repeat 2 or 3 times for consistency.

Formula to figure GPM recovery rate:

(Gallons / Seconds) x 60 = GPM

Free Water Testing Information Request Form

If you need assistance, please fill out the form below or contact us directly

  • (send a water analysis if available)

For residents of Whidbey Island:

Test your own: To have your water tested on Whidbey Island, the most thorough and accurate tests are done through Edge Analytical Laboratories, Inc. in Burlington.  To take your own water sample, you can obtain sterile sampling bottles at the following local sites:

B & W Pumps in Freeland
Department of Health in Coupeville
Island Water in Oak Harbor

Have someone else test your water: A second option to taking your own sample is to have someone come to your personal site and do the sampling.  Shelly Ess owns her own business called Essential Water Services. She comes to your area on regularly scheduled times for a fee, and will deliver your sample to the Edge Analytical lab in Burlington. The minimum testing charge is $35.00.  The results will be available within two weeks.  

The lab fee for each individual analyses is $22, with exceptions.
You can request a general test, or you can test for specific items.
Following are the primary items to test for:
iron, pH, sulphate, manganese, turbidity, hardness, TDS, coliform bacteria, tannin & lignins, arsenic

To have your water tested on Whidbey Island,

Shelly Ess, Essential Water Services
(360) 929-1116
For more information, contact:
Dean Petrich
2131 E. Middle Drive
Freeland, WA 98249-9516
Mobile: (206) 324-5055
Home: (360) 730-7992