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How the Eloo Works

The Eloo’s unique design creates an environment which quickly treats and stabilizes human waste through dehydration and evaporation. Liquid and solid waste is separated in the chamber and then dried through the natural processes of solar heat and air currents. Solids reduce to a dry, inoffensive, ash-like material which is five to ten percent of its original mass, while liquids evaporate completely. The Eloo can continue to work even at low temperatures and only need to be emptied every 1 to 3 years.

Watch this movie about how the Eloo Works made by the Eloo’s manufacturer, Enviro Options (Pty) Ltd!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Eloo?
The Eloo is a fantastic, proven new technology in human sanitation. It literally dehydrates and evaporates human waste into an inoffensive and harmless material. Since 1993 approximately over 100,000 Eloos have been installed worldwide.

What are the attributes of the Eloo system?
The Eloo system can support up to 60 estimated uses per day. The system does not use water nor does it require chemicals. It is odorless due to continuous positive ventilation. No flies are attracted. No power is required, however when installed indoors a power assisted fan is recommended to ensure continuous ventilation. There is no need for expensive sewage treatment plants or infrastructure. There are no environmental or health risks. Although maintenance is minimal, for best results owners should contract with their local Eloo distributor to ensure proper maintenance is undertaken.

What is the Eloo made of?
The Eloo is made of black polyethylene plastic. This material helps the unit to develop internal heat that encourages airflow through the unit and out the vent stack. Additionally, the heat, bacteria and oxygen in the air flow destroys the bacterial pathogens and stabilizes the remaining solids.

How does the Eloo work?
The Eloo operates by separating the liquid and solid wastes. Human feces consists of roughly 95% liquid. With sufficient ventilation and ambient heat as well as bacterial and biological activity, the waste becomes a dried and pathogen-free material roughly 5 to 10% of its original mass. The liquid waste drains into the trap below the solid waste drying plate from where it is evaporated.

Why is the Eloo different from compost toilets?
Compost toilets do not separate the solid and liquid wastes. Consequently the waste does not break down rapidly and the pathogens take longer to be devitalized. More practically, compost toilets require more handling of the waste, its removal is more frequent and it can be a more odorous procedure.

Why doesn’t the Eloo use water or chemicals?
The Eloo is designed around unique biological technology that does not use water or chemicals. It is a dry system that uses the aid of aerobic bacteria to stabilize the solid waste in conjunction with a process of dehydration which also evaporates the urine from the system. Should some water enter the unit, from cleaning the toilet, that is not a problem, the water and urine will evaporate. But the Eloo does not require water or chemicals to treat the waste.

Why doesn’t the Eloo smell?
The Eloo doesn’t smell because it has a positive ventilation odor seal. Radiant heat is absorbed and conducted through the manhole cover and vent pipe. The internal temperature causes convection airflow which is assisted by the ventilation crown on the vent pipe. Consequently, all odors are extracted through the toilet and container and expelled through the vent pipe. Additionally, with the early separation of the solid and liquid waste the initial potential odor is dramatically reduced. Human solid waste does not smell if dry and if separated early from the urine. Air is a wonderful deodorizer and a continual flow of air passes through the Eloo and exits the vent pipe.

Can the Eloo be installed indoors?
Yes, but each situation requires some engineering to accommodate building retrofits and air flow into the unit. Most often it is recommended that a small fan be installed to ensure the positive air flow as desired when the unit is installed indoors and out of normal wind circulation. Additionally, the homeowner should research local health codes to ensure they are in compliance with them when installing the Eloo.

Can the Eloo be installed in outbuildings?
Yes. In fact, the Eloo was first introduced as a public form of sanitation in parks, campgrounds and at schools. CUA and its distributors offer a variety of superstructures within which an Eloo can be placed. Several pictures on this website demonstrate public use of the Eloo.

Why is the Eloo better than other sanitation systems?
There are many forms of human sanitation such as septic systems, water systems, pit latrines, vault toilets, composting toilets, electrical toilets, heat coil toilets and the like. The Eloo is different. It is superior because it is low cost, efficient, effective, odorless and free-standing. Other systems collect and move waste in some form or another. The Eloo collects it for dehydration and what very little solid waste is removed much later, sometimes years later.

Can the Eloo be used in extremely cold climates?
CUA is busy producing a model specifically for extremely cold climates, however the present model can already be used with certain modification. Contact your local Eloo distributor for details.

How does the Eloo conserve water?
The Eloo does not use water. Consequently, in drought prone areas where conventional toilets require up to nine gallons of water per flush, using the Eloo results in this water being available for other purposes.

Is the Eloo sanitary?
The Eloo has been tested by independent laboratories and found to be completely sanitary when assembled, installed and used in the recommended manner. Pathogen levels of dried waste removed from the Eloo are well below acceptable sanitation levels as required for alternative sanitation systems.

Does the Eloo require much maintenance?
The Eloo needs to be inspected on a regular basis to check on the quantity of waste on the drying plate and whether the dried waste needs removal. The period between removal of dried waste depends on the number of users per day per toilet. It is recommended that the unit should be inspected after the third and sixth month following installation to determine waste levels. After that service intervals could range from every six months to three years. The dried material is simply raked from the drying plate into the drying bag. The bag is then positioned inside the unit next to the manhole cover and below the vent pipe where increased temperatures and high ventilation ensure the waste is adequately stabilized. A maintenance manual is provided with each unit.

With a maintenance contract to have the unit pumped (removal of solids) the user may elect not even to use the holding bag but simply have the unit emptied as needed. For a family of three this would be every two or three years.

How many uses per day will the Eloo accommodate?
The Eloo will handle a minimum of 7000 uses per year and will evaporate on average twenty uses or more per day.

How long does it take to receive my Eloo after I’ve ordered it?
Please allow 30 days to receive your Eloo depending on inventory levels and shipping requirements to your location. So, place your order soon!

What is the Eloo warranty?
The Eloo (Enviro Loo) warranty is that the plastic components, namely the container, manhole cover, outlet vent pipe and flap are guaranteed for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery against faulty workmanship and/or materials, excluding faulty installation, failure to use according to the manufacturer’s instructions, fair wear and tear and abuse, outside the manufacturer’s specifications.